black, white & grey
Prošlo je mnogo godina od kad sam prvi put sama ušla u prodavnicu, da sama izaberem šta želim da kupim i oblačim. U svemu tome prošla sam svakakve faze, kada pogledam iza sebe mnogih me je blam, ali morala sam sve da probam da bih naučila šta mi se stvarno svidja, šta želim da nosim i u čemu se najbolje osećam. Jedini problem je, što ne umem da štedim i ne mogu da se zaustavim, obično kad udjem u h&m ili Zaru. O kupovini šminke drugom prilikom, pošto je to posebna priča. Ovo su neka pravila kojima se vodim kada krenem u kupovinu:
- kada udjem u prodavnicu, zaobilazim 'new' i tražim 'sale'
- u shopping bag stavljam sve što mi se svidi, ali samo ako je crno/belo/sivo ili bordo/bež/maslinasto zeleno... ostale boje? znam da nikad neću obući
- ako se ipak provuče neka druga boja do kabine, svaki komad koji obučem, sagledam sa svih strana i dobro razmislim da li se osećam dobro u njemu (a retko se dešava da se dobro osećam u boji)
- kada saberem cene svega što sam uzela, ako je previše, sledeće što eliminišem su komadi koje već imam u ormanu (ali ne možeš Dunju ubediti da je 5 crnih majica dovoljno)
- ono na šta sam spremna da dam više para su farmerke, jakne i cipele, ako vidim da je obična majica ili košulja skupa, izbacujem je iz korpe jer ne vredi (uglavnom)
It's been a long time since I first entered a shop alone, to pick myself whatever I like and want to wear (without moms help). In all that time I had different stages, some that I'm ashamed of, but I had to try everything to learn what I want and like and what fits me best. The only problem now is that I can't save, I can't stop myself before I waste all of my money.. especially when I enter h&m or Zara, oh my God. I will talk about buying makeup another time, because that's the story for itself. Here are some rules that I go by when shopping:
- when I enter the store, I avoid 'new' and go straight to 'sale'
- I put everything that I like in my shopping bag, but only if it's black/grey/white or burgundy/beige/olive green... other colors? I will never wear I know
- if in fact any other color survives until the dressing room, I try on every piece, stare at it and think a lot if I feel good in it or not (it is rare for me to feel good in color)
- I am ready to waste more on jeans, jackets and shoes, but if I see that t-shirt is to expensive, I don't buy it because it's really not worth it

Ovo su bile moje puste želje i svakodnevna inspiracija sa tumblr-a i weheartit-a, a slede neki od komada koje sam najskorije kupila i obožavam ih:
This was my wishlist and everyday inspiration from tumblr and weheartit, next are some pieces from my last hauls and I love them:

Baš čudno što su svi iz h&m-a, mislim da imam opsesiju.
It's really not that weird that all this stuff is from h&m, I think I'm obsessed.
Love, Dunja x
- kada udjem u prodavnicu, zaobilazim 'new' i tražim 'sale'
- u shopping bag stavljam sve što mi se svidi, ali samo ako je crno/belo/sivo ili bordo/bež/maslinasto zeleno... ostale boje? znam da nikad neću obući
- ako se ipak provuče neka druga boja do kabine, svaki komad koji obučem, sagledam sa svih strana i dobro razmislim da li se osećam dobro u njemu (a retko se dešava da se dobro osećam u boji)
- kada saberem cene svega što sam uzela, ako je previše, sledeće što eliminišem su komadi koje već imam u ormanu (ali ne možeš Dunju ubediti da je 5 crnih majica dovoljno)
- ono na šta sam spremna da dam više para su farmerke, jakne i cipele, ako vidim da je obična majica ili košulja skupa, izbacujem je iz korpe jer ne vredi (uglavnom)
It's been a long time since I first entered a shop alone, to pick myself whatever I like and want to wear (without moms help). In all that time I had different stages, some that I'm ashamed of, but I had to try everything to learn what I want and like and what fits me best. The only problem now is that I can't save, I can't stop myself before I waste all of my money.. especially when I enter h&m or Zara, oh my God. I will talk about buying makeup another time, because that's the story for itself. Here are some rules that I go by when shopping:
- when I enter the store, I avoid 'new' and go straight to 'sale'
- I put everything that I like in my shopping bag, but only if it's black/grey/white or burgundy/beige/olive green... other colors? I will never wear I know
- if in fact any other color survives until the dressing room, I try on every piece, stare at it and think a lot if I feel good in it or not (it is rare for me to feel good in color)
- I am ready to waste more on jeans, jackets and shoes, but if I see that t-shirt is to expensive, I don't buy it because it's really not worth it

Ovo su bile moje puste želje i svakodnevna inspiracija sa tumblr-a i weheartit-a, a slede neki od komada koje sam najskorije kupila i obožavam ih:
This was my wishlist and everyday inspiration from tumblr and weheartit, next are some pieces from my last hauls and I love them:

Baš čudno što su svi iz h&m-a, mislim da imam opsesiju.
It's really not that weird that all this stuff is from h&m, I think I'm obsessed.
Love, Dunja x
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