These have been long 365 days, thank you for being there for me. Meanwhile I've finished my second year of Uni, started vlogging for Instagram and then made a youtube channel. I've been on loads of concerts. I've traveled to Montenegro, Greece and Bosnia. I've rearranged my room. I've bought loads of new clothes and makeup. I ate a lot. I laughed a...
Although I've been blogging for only a year now, I'm in this blogging world a lot longer. I LOVE good photography on blogs, I admire it, and I do my best to gain inspiration from it. I also love a good minimal design and layout. So I'm introducing you my top 5 favorite blogs that I can only scroll trough and cry and...
Nedavno sam promenila način na koji držim šminku koju koristim svakodnevno. Pre je to bilo u neseseru, ali sam shvatila da je mnogo praktičnije kada stoji u nečemu otvorenom i dostupnom. Kada sam bila u Solunu u Tiger-u, počastila sam se ovom divnom zlatnom korpicom. Ovakav moj beauty set-up sam već podelila sa vama na Instagramu, ali ako vas zanima šta se tačno...