*grwm - get ready with me (for those who aren't that much into this vlogging/blogging world)
So today I wanted to talk about some new beauty staff that I like to throw in my makeup routine during this autumn. I mean some of them aren't new bought, I just hadn't mentioned them before.
When someone asks me what is my favorite season, I find it hard to answer. I like summer because of the sun, traveling, sea, swimming, watermelons, the smell of salted water, the sound of waves, and less clothes. But I also love winter because Christmas and New Year's are my favorite days of every year. I love snow and cold crispy days, and that feeling of cold and fresh air, ahhhh... the sound of fresh snow cracking under your shoes. Oh my God and hot chocolate. Autumn I love because my birthday is in November and because of so much beautiful colors outside. I love wearing jumpers and scarfs and sometimes I love rainy days. What is there not to love about spring? Everything blooms, full of colors, flowers, the nature is reborn and it is just too beautiful. And the weather is just right. Now I'm just babbling, lets talk about how I usually get ready this autumn. And I will talk more only about products that I haven't mentioned yet on my blog, because why repeating? I'll bore you. If I haven't already, I hope not.
Danas bih da pričam o nekim novim stvarčicama koje ove jeseni ubacujem u svoj svakodnevni ritual šminkanja. Nisu sve nove u smislu da su tek kupljene, neke jesu, a neke samo nisam spominjala do sad.
Kada me neko pita koje mi je omiljeno godišnje doba, nikad ne mogu da se odlučim. Volim leto zbog sunca, putovanja, mora, plivanja, lubenica, mirisa slane morske vode, zvuka talasa i manje slojeva odeće. Ali volim i zimu zbog Božića i Nove Godine koji su mi omiljeni dani u svakoj godini. Volim sneg i hladne i sveže dane, osećaj čistog i hladnog vazduha, ahhh... zvuk pucketanja svežeg snega ispod cipela. Oh i toplu čokoladu. Jesen volim jer mi je rodjendan u novembru, zato što je sve puno toliko lepih boja. Obožavam džempere i šalove, a ponekad volim i kišne dane. A postoji li razlog da se ne voli proleće? Sve cveta, svet je pun boja, priroda se ponovo radja i prelepa je. Vreme je baš onakvo kakvo treba da bude. Sad dosta blebetanja, hajde da pričamo o tome kako se ja obično pripremam za novi jesenji dan. Dodatno ću pričati samo o onim proizvodima koje nisam spominjala do sad na blogu, jer nema poente da se ponavljam, zar ne? Dosadiću vam. Ako već nisam, nadam se da nisam.
The first thing I do is I make myself a nice cup of black tea, it is my favorite tea and I really need caffeine!! Btw those are one of my favorite Christmas socks. I know it's not Christmas yet but who cares, to me everyday is Christmas.
Prvo što volim da uradim je da napravim sebi šolju crnog čaja, moj omiljeni i kofein mi je uvek prepotreban. Btw ono su moje omiljene Božićne čarape. Znam da još uvek nije ni zima, kamo li Božić, ali koga briga, meni je svaki dan Božić.
And good lighting is MUST have when putting on makeup because you must see what you're doing so you don't look like clown later. Hehe. And that's me before makeup and tea, really sleepy.
Dobro svetlo je neophodno kod šminkanja jer je dobro da vidiš kako to radiš nego da posle na dobrom svetlu shvatiš da izgledaš kao klovn. Haha. A to sam ja pre šminke, tek ustala i jako pospana.
I usually prime my skin before putting on foundation, and those are the ones that I still use. Until I get my hands on the new foundation that I tried and NEED to have. It deserves a whole post so I'll talk about it soon.
U većini slučajeva stavim prajmer pre pudera, a ovo su oni koje još uvek koristim. Ali samo dok se ne dočepam novog pudera koji sam probala i koji MORAM da imam. Zaslužuje ceo post pa ću o njemu detaljisati uskoro.
Next step are my brows, which are the most important to me, sometimes too much. And that is a special ritual, they take the most of my getting ready time. There are before and after pictures, and I already mentioned those products here.
Sledeći korak su obrve, koje su meni najbitnije, nekada previše. A to je poseban ritual i za njih mi treba najviše vremena. Tu su i slike pre i posle, a o proizvodima sam već pričala ovde.
Because it's autumn, I love to play with brown, redish and pinky eyeshadows. First thing that is must for me is priming my lids, and I use Urban Decay Primer Potion in Eden which I think is amazing and works very good for me. The use of primer is basically to keep your shadows on all day long, and also to make colors pop out more. My go to palette is the Urban Decay Naked 3, and for this look I used STRANGE, to set my primer, LIMIT to blend and NOONER on lid together with one of my favorite eyeshadows - MAC Tempting. Then all you need is a mascara and this one is my all time favorite and already talked about here.
Pošto je jesen, volim da se igram sa braon, crvenkastim i rozikastim senkama. Prvo što moram da uradim pre senke je da stavim prajmer, koristim Urban Decay Primer Potion u nijansi Eden i mislim da je jako dobar i radi baš ono što treba. Poenta prajmera za oči je da drži senku na očima tokom celog dana i da istakne boje senki više nego obično. Paleta koju ja najviše koristim je Urban Decay Naked 3, a ovoga puta sam koristila STRANGE da setujem prajmer, LIMIT da blendujem i NOONER na kapku zajedno sa jednom od omiljenih senki - MAC Tempting. Ostala je još maskara, moja omiljena i već spominjana ovde.
If I have dark circles or acne, I go over them with my MAC concealer. I use liquid concealer under my eyes in triangle shapes, on the top od my nose and upper lip, my chin and little bit on my forhead sometimes, right now I'm trying this NYX HD Concealer. After I blend it, I set it with my well loved Shine Killer powder.
Ako imam podočnjake ili bubuljice, prvo ih pokrijem MAC korektorom. Tečni stavljam ispod očiju u obliku trougla, na vrh nosa i brade, iznad gornje usne i ponekad malo na čelo. Trenutno isprobavam NYX HD Concealer. Nakon što se sve to razmaže i lepo upije, setujem voljenim Shine Killer puderom.
After brows, this is my favorite part, contouring. Not long ago I purchased one shadow called Sienna from NYX's well known Highlight & Contour palette, and for now I have only good thoughts. I love it! I use it on usual contouring spots, then blend it a lot and go over with my ussual bronzer.
Posle obrva, omiljeni deo mi je konturisanje lica. Nedavno sam kupila jednu senku iz dobro poznate NYX Highlight & Contour palete, i za sad imam samo dobre utiske. Obožavam je! Stavljam je na uobičajena mesta, blendujem baš mnogo i predjem uobičajenim bronzerom.
Last BUT not least, what would autumn be without nude or dark lips? Today I was more into nude, so I lined my lips with NYX Lip Liner in Peekaboo neutral and filled them with Rimmel Moisture Renew Lipstick in Notting Hill. And we are ready to go!
Poslednje ali ne najmanje bitno, šta bi jesen bila bez tamnih i nude karmina? Danas više želela nude, pa sam opcrtala usne NYX olovkom u Peekaboo neutral pa ih ispunila Rimmel Moisture Renew karminom u boji Notting Hill. I gotovo!
Magazine that's included on photos is my favorite ELLE Serbia, November edition. Thanks for reading loves!
Časopis sa slika je moj omiljeni ELLE Srbija, novembarski broj. Hvala na čitanju drugari!
Love, Dunja xx