not-so-modest bday wishlist
Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that every year we celebrate
the day of our own birth and we get gifts for that? But I don't mind at
all! I also love birthdays of the people I love, because I love choosing
presents for them and the look on their face when they open them.
That's also one of the reasons why I love New Year's eve and Christmas. I
just love buying new things really, and someone should take my card
away from me because I'm a mess.
This is just a list of some material things that I wish for. Obviously I’m not asking or expecting to receive these (a girl can dream though, right?), those are just things that I hope I will have one day, maybe for my birthday, when I save some money. I only hope that mum will buy me those ikea things (^^). I love surprises, and it really makes me happy when someone gifts me something I like and show me that they listen to me and know me well. And it can be only a red rose, or flowers, or starbucks cup, or any kind of cup, or kinder bueno, or pizza, or ice cream or... food hahaha. But let's get back to the point of this list.
Da li sam jedina koja misli da je čudno što svake godine slavimo dan našeg rodjenja i dobijamo poklone za to? Nije da mi smeta imalo. Volim i rodjendane meni dragih ljudi jer volim da im biram poklone i njihov izraz lica kada ih otvaraju. To je i jedan od razloga iz kog volim Novu godinu i Božić. Jednostavno obožavam da kupujem nove stvari i neko bi trebalo da mi oduzme karticu jer ne umem da se zaustavim.
Ovo je lista nekih materijalnih stvari koje želim. Ne pravim je zato što tražim ili očekujem da dobijem ove stvari, već zato što su deo moje liste želja i volela bih da taj deo ispunim za rodjendan ili kad već sakupim pare. Jedino se nadam da ću od mame dobiti ove ikea stvarčice (^^). Mnogo volim iznenadjenja i čini me srećnom kada mi neko pokloni nešto što mi je svidja i kada shvatim da me slušaju šta pričam i dobro poznaju. A to može biti crvena ruža, ili bilo koje cveće, ili starbucks šolja, ili bilo kakva šolja, ili kinder bueno, ili pica, ili sladoled, ili... hrana hahaha. Ali hajde da se vratimo na poentu ove liste.
This is just a list of some material things that I wish for. Obviously I’m not asking or expecting to receive these (a girl can dream though, right?), those are just things that I hope I will have one day, maybe for my birthday, when I save some money. I only hope that mum will buy me those ikea things (^^). I love surprises, and it really makes me happy when someone gifts me something I like and show me that they listen to me and know me well. And it can be only a red rose, or flowers, or starbucks cup, or any kind of cup, or kinder bueno, or pizza, or ice cream or... food hahaha. But let's get back to the point of this list.
Da li sam jedina koja misli da je čudno što svake godine slavimo dan našeg rodjenja i dobijamo poklone za to? Nije da mi smeta imalo. Volim i rodjendane meni dragih ljudi jer volim da im biram poklone i njihov izraz lica kada ih otvaraju. To je i jedan od razloga iz kog volim Novu godinu i Božić. Jednostavno obožavam da kupujem nove stvari i neko bi trebalo da mi oduzme karticu jer ne umem da se zaustavim.
Ovo je lista nekih materijalnih stvari koje želim. Ne pravim je zato što tražim ili očekujem da dobijem ove stvari, već zato što su deo moje liste želja i volela bih da taj deo ispunim za rodjendan ili kad već sakupim pare. Jedino se nadam da ću od mame dobiti ove ikea stvarčice (^^). Mnogo volim iznenadjenja i čini me srećnom kada mi neko pokloni nešto što mi je svidja i kada shvatim da me slušaju šta pričam i dobro poznaju. A to može biti crvena ruža, ili bilo koje cveće, ili starbucks šolja, ili bilo kakva šolja, ili kinder bueno, ili pica, ili sladoled, ili... hrana hahaha. Ali hajde da se vratimo na poentu ove liste.
I heard so many great things about it, they say it's 'a lightweight, oil-free, and buildable formula', this oil-free is very important to me because I have oily skin and I also like light foundation more. And I would really love to try Estee. // Čula sam mnogo dobrih stvari o njemu, kažu da je lak, bez ulja, da se dobra pokrivenost postiže slojevima, a ovo 'bez ulja' je meni jako bitno pošto imam masnu kožu, i više volim lakše pudere.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah what to say really, except that it smells like black coffee, orange blossom and vanilla? // Dovoljno je reći da miriše kao mešavina crne kafe, cveta pomorandže i vanile.
Aren't they gorgeous? They are so bright, all-white, and beautiful. And I really need new running sneakers. Only problem is how to maintain this beautiful whiteness? // Zar nisu divne? Tako su svetle, bele i lepe. I stvarno mi trebaju nove patike za trčanje (ne bih li se naterala). Jedini problem je što ne znam kako održati ovu belinu?
Honestly, beauty blender is my holly grail. It does miracles. But I only have cheep ones, and if they are good to me, how good is this original one? My life would be 10 times easier with it. And why black one? Because black is my favorite color. // Iskreno, beauty blender je magično oružje. Čini čuda. Ali imam samo one jeftine, a ako su mi oni toliko dobri, koliko li je dobar original? Život bi mi bio 10 puta lakši sa njim. A zašto crni? To mi je omiljena boja.
Reasons are: I really need a new phone because my Samsung Galaxy S3 is dying. Although I'm emotionally attached to it, I think I need better camera, and I always wanted iPhone. And one of the biggest reasons is that there is so much beautiful and different cases for iPhone that I cry everytime! hahaha //Razlozi: stvarno mi treba novi telefon jer moj Samsung Galaxy S3 umire. Iako sam emotivno vezana za njega, mislim da mi treba bolja kamera, a i iPhone mi je neostvarena želja. Jedan od najvećih razloga je i taj što svuda ima tooooliko lepih i različitih maski za iPhone da se svaki put iznerviram!
6. 'Exile' and 'Surrender' cds from Hurts
Everything here is really clear, and believe me I better not start. // Bolje da ne počinjem da objašnjavam.
Because my makeup collection is spreading and it's my treasure, I need an appropriate place to keep it. And it's beautiful and white. // Zato što se količina moje šminke povećava i ona je moje blago i potrebno mi je prikladno mesto da to blago čuvam. A i lep je i beo.
Because I still don't know how to do my makeup without a mirror, and currently I do my makeup only with my mirror from Revolution Blush palette :O // Jer još uvek ne umem da se šminkam bez ogledala, a ono uz koje je sad šminkam je ogledalo u Revolution Blush paleti :(
Everyone is talking about these amazing Sigma brushes, I just need to try them myself! // Svi toliko pričaju o ovim čudesnim Sigma četkicama, jednostavno moram da se uverim sama!
Love, Dunja x
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