
little drugstore haul & reviews


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   This is going to be a long post, prepare for it. A couple of days ago I went to our local drugstore called DM to buy some cotton pads, and off course I ended up buying five other things (I bought those cotton pads but they are not that interesting to talk about). So I decided to make a post about them, because I LOVED almost everything about them.
   Ovo će biti dugačak post, pripremite se. Pre neki dan sam svratila do DM-a da bih kupila tupfere, ali naravno da sam na kraju kupila još 5 stvari. Tako da sam odlučila da napravim post jer sam jako zadovoljna skoro svim.

   First thing I want to talk about is not beauty related, it's DM's Profissimo coconut glass-candle, and it smells amazing. The quality of it, I guess, isn't that good because the smell doesn't spread through whole room, but for 3$ it's amazing.
   Prvo o čemu bih pričala nema veze sa šminkom, a to je DM-ova Profissimo sveća u čaši sa mirisom kokosa. I miriše predivno! Kvalitet, kako se meni čini, i nije baš najbolji zato što mi od nje ne zamiriše cela soba, ali za 300 dinara je stvarno odlična.

   Now let's talk about this new holy grail of mine. Before I discovered this, I used Aura's older beauty blender witch is maybe to harsh when I think of it now, it is small and not very practical. I like this new one a lot more, it looks like they realized what the mistake was with it and fixed it. Good job! It is soft, gentle, big and beautiful, and it does it's job even better.
   Hajde sad da pričamo o mom novom tajnom oružju. Pre nego što sam otkrila ovaj, koristila sam stari Aurin beauty blender koji je, kad sada razmislim, možda previše tvrd, čudnog i nepraktičnog oblika. Ovaj novi mi se mnogo više svidja, izgleda kao da su shvatili gde su pogrešili i to ispravili ovim novim. Svaka čast! Mekan je, nežan, veliki i lep, i radi svoj posao baš kako treba.

   How have I ever lived without this?! If you wonder how NEVER to crease under your eyes, not even after a long day, Aura Shine Killer - Microfinish powder is the solution! It is am az ing, I promise you. It is a white powder, very soft and kind on eyes. I use it in pair with this Real Techniques Setting Brush witch is from now on my favorite brush. I don't even need to explain about it, every Real Techniques brush is perfect, and this one you can use for setting concealer, for contouring or blush, whatever you like it for.
   Kako sam živela do sada bez ovoga? Ako se pitate kako da vam korektor ispod očiju ostane savršen tokom nebitno koliko dugačkog dana, Aura Shine Killer - Microfinish powder je rešenje! Predobar je, obećavam. To je beli puder, veoma mekan i nežan na očima. Koristim ga u paru sa ovom Real Techniques Setting Brush koja je od sada moja omiljena četkica. Nemam šta ni da objašnjavam, sve Real Techniques su savršene, a ova se može koristiti kao dodatak tečnom korektoru, za konturisanje ili rumenilo, kako god se kome svidi.

   Next thing is Aura Illuminate ME! that was on my wishlist since it came out, and now when I got the chance to try it, I'm not really sure what I think about it. On my hand it looks champagne-ish, shinny and beautiful, but I haven't realized how to put it on my cheeks correctly. I tried with my fingers, it won't blend, when I try with a brush, it blends too much and looses it's shine. If anybody knows what should I do, I would appreciate every help. As I said, on my hand I love it.
   Sledeće je nešto što želim da probam od kad je izašlo, sada kada sam dobila priliku, nisam sigurna šta mislim o njemu. Na mojoj ruci izgleda šampanjac-asto (hahahahah you know what I mean), svetlucavo i prelepo, ali još uvek nisam shvatila kako da ga koristim na licu. Pokušala sam prstima, ne razmazuje se baš najbolje, a četkicom se razmazuje previše i gubi sjaj. Ako iko zna kako da mi pomogne, otvorena sam za sve hahah. Ali kao što sam rekla, na ruci je predivan.

   The last but not at all least is this amazing foundation. It's Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation, and I love the formulation of it. Texture of it is, self explanatory, a mousse, not too liquid and not too hard. It blends amazingly and has light but good coverage. I love it, maybe even more than True Match. Oups. It is really good for my oily skin, I guess it would be too thick for dry or normal. Again, I LOVE it.
   Poslednji ali možda i najbolji je Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation. Tekstura je savršena, nije ni tečan, a ni tvrd nego u savršenoj sredini - mus. Razmazuje se savršeno i ima lako ali dobro pokrivanje. Obožavam ga, možda i više nego True Match. Ups. Jako je dobar za moju masnu kožu, verujem da nekome sa suvom ili normalnom ne bi odgovarao. Ali još jednom da ponovim, OBOŽAVAM ga.

   Who made it through here, as a gift he gets my face without makeup (yay!), just to show you before and after Rimmel foundation.
   Ko je stigao do ovde, na poklon dobija moje lice bez šminke (jej!), kako bih pokazala pre i posle Rimmel pudera.

   You didn't want to see that, did you? I'm sorry hahaha... Love you, Dunja x

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