
H&M beauty grabs


    Every person that knows me well knows how much I love h&m. Not only as a budget clothes brand, but especially as home decor and beauty brand. Unfortunately, in Serbia you can't find home or beauty stuff. But I am lucky to have one of my best friends living in Ljubljana so I got the chance to be introduced to this beautiful products.
The first thing is The works session hairspray which I can't wait to try out! First of all, just look at this packaging. It is soo nice! And you get 250ml here. They describe it as a soft-hold hairspray with a flexible, workable formula that’s easy to layer and restyle. I actually read an article on elle.rs about Gigi Hadid's 3 beauty rules for hair, and one of them was to spray it with this kind of hairspray a little bit after you dry it, to give it texture. I will report you about my impressions of it really soon.
Second, and so glam, are those Hypnotise lashes which are so beautiful. They are elegant false eyelashes that create fullness and definition and can add impact to any look. Easy to apply and easy to remove. I can't wait to wear them!
I hope I will get my hands on some more h&m beauty because I think it's such a nice price for a good quality.

P.S. I entered a competition in Elle magazine for a beauty assistant, so wish me luck! You can enter here.

   Svako ko me me dobro poznaje zna koliko volim h&m. Ne samo kao brend odeće, nego i kao kućnu dekoraciju i kozmetiku. Nažalost, nama u Srbiju još nije stiglo ni jedna od ta dva. Ali ja sam imala sreće da mi jedna od najboljih drugarica živi u Ljubljani, pa sam dobila mogućnost da isprobam neke od njihovih divnih proizvoda.
Prva stvar je ovaj The works session hairspray koji ne mogu da dočekam da isprobam. Kao prvo, samo pogledajte pakovanje. Toliko je divno! I dobijate 250ml. Opisuju ga kao lagani sprej za kosu koji je drži, ali u isto vreme čini fleksibilnom za stilizovanje. Čitala sam na elle.rs članak o 3 beauty pravila Gigi Hadid o kosi, jedno od njih joj jeste da prska ovakav sprej na kosu nakon što je osuši. Obavestiću vas o svojim utiscima čim ga isprobam dovoljno.
Sledeće su ove glamurozne i divne Hypnotise veštačke trepavice. Elegantne su i trepavicama daju punoću, teksturu i mogu ulepšati i poboljšati bilo koji makeup look. Lake su za korišćenje i uklanjanje, a ja jedva čekam da ih probam.
Nadam se da ću uskoro ponovo imati prilike da se dočepam h&m kozmetike, jer je stvarno sjajna. Cene su jako dobre za tako visok kvalitet.

P.S. prijavila sam se na konkurs sa beauty asistenta u Elle časopisu, tako da držite mi palčeve! Vi se možete priključiti ovde.

Love, D xx

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