
LUST LIST: The Christmas Edit


   Well hello there, I know it's only 20th of November but I'm already getting so excited and dreaming about holidays. To me, New Year's and Christmas are the most beautiful part of the year. They are all about loving, sharing and caring. And all the decorations, lights and colors, oh my god. I enjoy everything that has anything to do with them. I already ordered a couple of Chistmasy things from asos but here are some picks that are good as presents to girls and that I'm drooling of.
   Pa, ćao, znam da je tek 20. novembar ali mene je već stiglo praznično raspoloženje. Božić i Nova Godina su, kao što verujem da sam već spominjala, moj najdraži deo godine. Tada oko sebe i sebi dozvoljavam samo ljubav i mir, koliko je god to moguće. A dekoracije, svetla i boje, aaaaaaa nešto najlepše na svetu. I obožavam sve što ima veze sa njima. Već sam naručila par prazničnih stvarčica sa asos-a, a ovo su neke sa liste o kojima još uvek maštam i mogu biti korisne ako tražite poklone za ženske osobe.

Because New Year's is the best excuse to shine like a disco ball if you want to!
Jer je Nova Godina najbolji izgovor da sijate kao disko kugla ako želite!
All my life I wished for an advent calendar, and this one is just irresistible.
Ceo život maštam o advent kalendaru, a ovaj je poprilično neodoljiv.
I'm still hoping that I will get my hands on iPhone 6 until the end of the year, and I'm in love with this case.
Još uvek se nadam da ću se dočepati iPhone-a do kraja godine, a zaljubljena sam u ovu masku.
It's been on my wishlist for a few months now and it goes so perfect with the 10th thing.
Na mojoj listi želja je već par meseci i ide savršeno uz 10u stvarčicu.
Isn't it beautiful?? I'm so in love with it, it's grey and it looks so cosy, warm and classy at the same time.
Zar nije diiiivan? Siv je i izgleda tako udoban i topao, a u isto vreme jednostavan i klasičan.
Jumpers are the most important part of my winter closet and I'm loving v-neck tops at the moment so why not? 
Džemperi su najbitniji deo mog zimskog ormana, a u poslednje vreme obožavam sve sa v izrezom tako da, što da ne?
Pugs + Christmas + socks.
THIS RED OH MY GOD, I've been switching it on my hand with every chance and I don't know what I'm waiting for. Maybe holidays as a perfect excuse for red smoky eye looks?
OVA CRVENA, probam je na ruci svakom prilikom i ne znam šta čekam više. Možda praznike da imam izgovor za crvenu senku na očima?
I ran out of my bloody red nail polish so I'm desperately in need for another one, and maybe one with tinsels.
Potrošila sam svoj omiljeni krvavo crveni lak i očajnički mi treba novi, a i jedan sa šljokicama.
Absolutely everyone is talking about it and I can't resist the name and the packaging.
Apsolutno svi pričaju o njemu i ne mogu da odolim pakovanju i imenu.

I really hope you liked it, I definitely enjoyed it as I will every holiday inspired post, and there will be more!
Nadam se da vam se svidelo, ja obožavam da delim svoje uzbudjenje oko praznika i deliću ga još, obećavam.

Love, D

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