Makeup products (& internships?!) that I've been loving
Firstly I have to say that I'm sorry for being m.i.a. for this long, I don't even now the reason. I just didn't feel like it. And it is good enough reason for me because I don't want to make the posts just to make them, I want to do that with all the love and dedication, if you now what I mean. But today was the day that I got motivated to write something and here it goes!
My bestfriend visited Rome not that long ago and, as the bestfriend she is, she brought me a few bits from Kiko. The thing that I fell in love with immidiatly was this eyeshadow in the shade 200. I love a nice shimmer on my eyes and this shadow is SO pigmented. It is also amazing as a highlighter and I can tell you that I love a good nose highlight.
Since I ran out of my True Mach I've been using and loving the L'Oreal's Lumi Magique foundation. In my opinion it gives a little less coverage, but for those days when my skin is good, it is amazing.
I love it when I fall back in love with products that I forgotten about. That is the story with the Aura Correct ME! concealer. Let me tell you girl, for a $4 concealer this baby is a bomb! I don't promise you that it will cover up big red acne or dark circles, but it is really good as a highlighter.
Well, last but not the least 'thing' that I've been loving is definitely a whole another story (that I would love to ramble about if you would want me to). I have actually got an opportunity to work as an intern in ELLE Serbia. (screaming inside) Soooo long story short, my internship started at 22nd of April and I will work with them until we finish June's edition. I can't even describe this experience. It is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I am SO thankful. I am sooo excited every day about it and it is definitely something that I've been loving the most. I want to say the biggest THANK YOU ever to ELLE.
At the end I just realized that this post is one big ramble, but I just felt the need to talk to you, so I will post it anyway. If you want to know more about my internship or any of this products, feel free to contact me anywhere! Thank you for reading & love you all so much.
Za početak, znam da me dugo nije bilo. Ne postoji konkretan razlog za to, jednostavno nisam imala inspiracije ni volje, a moj stav je da nikada neću postaviti nešto samo da bih postavila. U svaki post želim da uložim trud, ljubav i volju. To je valjda okej? Danas sam zato osetila veliku želju da napišem nešto, šta god to nešto bilo.. i evo me.
Moja divna drugarica mi je iz svoje posete Rimu donela par stvarčica iz Kiko-a, a ono što mi se najviše svidelo jeste ova senka. Sigurna sam da od tada nije prošao dan da nije bila na mom licu, da li kao hajlajter ili kao senka. Moram priznati da ovog proleća obožavam suptilne šljokice na očima, a i dobar i upadljiv hajlajter, tako da sa ovom senkom nije bilo greške.
Ako pratite moj blog verovatno znate koji je moj omiljeni puder, a pošto sam ga potrošila, na svojoj polici sam pronašla ovaj L'Oreal Lumi Magique i priznajem da je vrlo blizu True Match-a. Ono što primećujem kao razliku jeste slabije pokrivanje, tako da bih ga preporučila za one dane kada vam je koža u boljem stanju.
Obožavam kada tako cunjajuću svojom kolekcijom pronadjem proizvode koje sam volela i potpuno zaboravila. Tako se u moju rutinu vratio i Aura Correct ME! korektor i mnogo mi je drago zbog toga. Za oko 400 dinara, koliko košta, on je malo zlato od korektora. ne mogu vam obećati da će pokriti upaljene akne i tamne podočnjake, ali odličan je kao korektor sa ulogom hajlajtera.
Ovaj mesec je u mom životu vrlo bitan i poseban. Naime, pružila mi se prilika života kojoj se toliko radujem i ne mogu rečima da opišem koliko sam zahvalna. Nakon što sam se u decembru prošle godine prijavila za konkurs za stažistu u ELLE Srbija, moja prilika je došla i ovog meseca pomažem ELLE redakciji u pripremi junskog broja. (vrištim) O ovome bih mogla još mnogo i mnogo da pričam, ali neću sada da dužim, ako vas zanima moj put do pozicije na kojoj jesam i iskustvo i sva moja radost, javite mi se na bilo kojoj društvenoj mreži i rado ću pisati o tome detaljno u posebnom postu. Sada samo želim da kažem najveće moguće HVALA ELLE redakciji.
Shvatam i sama da je ovaj post pun mog blebetanja i osećam da ništa pametno nisam rekla, ali imala sam potrebu da oživim blog ponovo i da sve ovo kažem. Hvala na odvojenom vremenu & ljubim vas i volim.
My bestfriend visited Rome not that long ago and, as the bestfriend she is, she brought me a few bits from Kiko. The thing that I fell in love with immidiatly was this eyeshadow in the shade 200. I love a nice shimmer on my eyes and this shadow is SO pigmented. It is also amazing as a highlighter and I can tell you that I love a good nose highlight.
Since I ran out of my True Mach I've been using and loving the L'Oreal's Lumi Magique foundation. In my opinion it gives a little less coverage, but for those days when my skin is good, it is amazing.
I love it when I fall back in love with products that I forgotten about. That is the story with the Aura Correct ME! concealer. Let me tell you girl, for a $4 concealer this baby is a bomb! I don't promise you that it will cover up big red acne or dark circles, but it is really good as a highlighter.
Well, last but not the least 'thing' that I've been loving is definitely a whole another story (that I would love to ramble about if you would want me to). I have actually got an opportunity to work as an intern in ELLE Serbia. (screaming inside) Soooo long story short, my internship started at 22nd of April and I will work with them until we finish June's edition. I can't even describe this experience. It is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I am SO thankful. I am sooo excited every day about it and it is definitely something that I've been loving the most. I want to say the biggest THANK YOU ever to ELLE.
At the end I just realized that this post is one big ramble, but I just felt the need to talk to you, so I will post it anyway. If you want to know more about my internship or any of this products, feel free to contact me anywhere! Thank you for reading & love you all so much.
Moja divna drugarica mi je iz svoje posete Rimu donela par stvarčica iz Kiko-a, a ono što mi se najviše svidelo jeste ova senka. Sigurna sam da od tada nije prošao dan da nije bila na mom licu, da li kao hajlajter ili kao senka. Moram priznati da ovog proleća obožavam suptilne šljokice na očima, a i dobar i upadljiv hajlajter, tako da sa ovom senkom nije bilo greške.
Ako pratite moj blog verovatno znate koji je moj omiljeni puder, a pošto sam ga potrošila, na svojoj polici sam pronašla ovaj L'Oreal Lumi Magique i priznajem da je vrlo blizu True Match-a. Ono što primećujem kao razliku jeste slabije pokrivanje, tako da bih ga preporučila za one dane kada vam je koža u boljem stanju.
Obožavam kada tako cunjajuću svojom kolekcijom pronadjem proizvode koje sam volela i potpuno zaboravila. Tako se u moju rutinu vratio i Aura Correct ME! korektor i mnogo mi je drago zbog toga. Za oko 400 dinara, koliko košta, on je malo zlato od korektora. ne mogu vam obećati da će pokriti upaljene akne i tamne podočnjake, ali odličan je kao korektor sa ulogom hajlajtera.
Ovaj mesec je u mom životu vrlo bitan i poseban. Naime, pružila mi se prilika života kojoj se toliko radujem i ne mogu rečima da opišem koliko sam zahvalna. Nakon što sam se u decembru prošle godine prijavila za konkurs za stažistu u ELLE Srbija, moja prilika je došla i ovog meseca pomažem ELLE redakciji u pripremi junskog broja. (vrištim) O ovome bih mogla još mnogo i mnogo da pričam, ali neću sada da dužim, ako vas zanima moj put do pozicije na kojoj jesam i iskustvo i sva moja radost, javite mi se na bilo kojoj društvenoj mreži i rado ću pisati o tome detaljno u posebnom postu. Sada samo želim da kažem najveće moguće HVALA ELLE redakciji.
Shvatam i sama da je ovaj post pun mog blebetanja i osećam da ništa pametno nisam rekla, ali imala sam potrebu da oživim blog ponovo i da sve ovo kažem. Hvala na odvojenom vremenu & ljubim vas i volim.
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