
For the love of KIEHL'S


   Good Monday morning everyone! I've been waiting SO long for these products to arrive that I almost gave up on them. I ordered them from feelunique.com month and a half ago, and they finally arrived 2 weeks ago! The main reason I waited this long to talk about those products is that I wanted to test them first and give you my honest opinion. And now I can freely say that I go to sleep every night with clean, fresh, toned and happy face.
This is my first time using KIEHL'S and I learned about it from my absolute favorite blogger and vlogger Samantha Maria. I follow her regularly for a few years now, and she's one of my biggest inspirations in life. Kheil's is an American cosmetics brand retailer that specializes in making premium skin, hair, and body care products. It was firstly founded as a single pharmacy in NYC in 1851. I believe that if a product or brand lasts that long, it must be good. Of course every skin reacts differently on every product or ingredient so it can be good for some but for some not. This time, the first time, I decided to purchase a cleanser and a toner that will maybe reduce excess oils on my face.
   Dobro ponedeljno (zbunjuje me ova reč) jutro! Toliko dugo sam čekala ove proizvode da stignu da je malo falilo da odustanem. Naručila sam ih pre više od mesec ipo dana sa feelunique.com i napokon su stigli pre dve nedelje! Osnovni razlog iz kog sam čekala dve nedelje da bih pričala o njima je taj što sam želela da ih ispobam i iskreno kažem šta mislim. I sada mogu slobodno da kažem da svako veče legnem sa čistim, svežim, toniranim i srećnim licem.
Ovo je moje prvo upoznavanje sa KIEHL'S brendom, a za njega sam čula od moje najomiljenije blogerke i vlogerke Samanthe Marie. Pratim je redovno već par godina i jedna je od mojih najvećih inspiracija. A Kheil's je kozmetički brend koji se bavi proizvodnjom vrhunske kozmetike za lice, kosu i telo. Nastao je 1851. godine u Njujorku kao samostalna apoteka. Moje mišljenje je da to što neki prozvod ili brend održava svoj standard toliko dugo može da znači samo dobar kvalitet. Naravno to ne podrazumeva da će svima odgovarati i biti dobar, jer svačija koža drugačije reaguje na odredjene sastojke. Ovog puta, prvog puta, odlučila sam da naručim sredstvo za čišćenje lica i toner koji će možda smiriti moje lice i ukloniti suvišnu mast sa njega.

Ultra Facial Cleanser really does everything that they say it does. It cleanses skin and removes makeup without over-drying or stripping skin of its natural oils. I really did notice the difference with oiliness of my skin, it is softer and really clean. It comes in a big package and I believe it will last long for me because you only need a little amount of it at a time. I would give it a 4 out of 5 because of the smell that I don't really like. How to Apply: Apply small amount to clean fingertips and gently massage into damp facial areas in upward, circular motion, avoiding the immediate eye area. Rinse thoroughly or remove excess with damp wash cloth. // Stvarno radi sve što na proizvodu piše. Čisti kožu, uklanja svu šminku, a da pri tom ne isušuje kožu. Primetila sam razliku u masnoći na mom licu, mekše je i čistije ne može biti. Pakovanje je veliko i pri svakom korišćenju je potrebno jako malo, tako da će trajati dugo. Dala bih mu 4 od 5 samo zato što mi se miris ne svidja. Način korišćenja: Na čiste vrhove prstiju naneti malu količinu proizvoda i nežno ga umasirati na vlažnu kožu u kružnim pokretima, izbegavajući područje očiju. Isprati detaljno vodom ili vlažnim peškirom.

Ultra Facial Oil-Free Toner is supposed to clean any makeup or dirt left after cleansing also without stripping skin of vital moisture, and to balance oils on especially oily skin. It's alcohol–free formula, PH–balanced, and tested for safety and gentleness. Also oil–free, paraben–free, fragrance–free, colorant–free. I believe that my skin is a lot better after it. I don't know if it's about this toner or the cleanser but my skin is clearly less oily and smoother. This product won't help you a lot with acne or spots, at least it didn't help me much, but it's not even supposed to do that. I give it 5/5 for now. How to Apply: After cleansing, moisten a cotton pad with the facial toner and apply to the skin, avoiding the immediate eye area. // Trebalo bi da očisti preostalu šminku ili prljavštinu nakon dubljeg čišćenja takodje bez isušivanja kože, i da izbalansira ulja na masnoj koži. Formula ne sadrži alkohol, ph balansirana je, testirano bezbedna za kožu i nežna. Ne sadrži ulje, parabene ni parfeme. Koža mi je mnogo bolja od kako sam počela da ga koristim, i ne znam da li je do tonera ili sredstva za čišćenje, ali koža mi je očigledno manje masna i mekša. Neće pomoći oko bubuljica, bar meni nije, ali za to nije ni napravljen. Dajem mu 5 od 5 za sad. Način korišćenja: Nakon čišćenja lica navlažiti tupfer tonerom i naneti na lice izbegavajući područje očiju.

My skin reacts badly when I'm stressed out so I need something that will help my painful acne, any recommendations? Kiehl's maybe, again? I love you all so much and thank you for visiting!
Moja koža jako loše reaguje kada sam pod stresom pa moram da nadjem nešto što će pomoći bolnim bubuljicama, predlozi? Kiehl's možda ponovo? Volim vas i mnogo hvala na poseti.

Lots of love, D

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