
The soundtrack of October


   Music is such a big part of my life. It has the power to completely absorb me, to change my state of mind, to bring me joy and to break my heart. And to bring lots of memories. It's wonderful. So I had an idea. I thought it might be fun to share some of the songs that I listened to the most the last month. 
   Muzika je toliko veliki deo mog života. Ima moć da me potpuno obuzme, promeni raspoloženje, usreći me ili mi slomi srce. I vraća mnogo uspomena. Magična je. Pa sam dobila ideju da bi možda bilo zanimljivo da podelim pesme koje sam najviše slušala proteklog meseca.

1. Hurts - Surrender (full album) they have a special place in my heart. They are my favorite band, my url is one of their songs, they make my life 100 times better and October is the month of their new album, FINALLY. // Oni imaju posebno mesto u mom srcu. Omiljeni bend, moj url je jedna od njihovih pesama, čine mi život 100 puta boljim i oktobar je definitivno u znaku njihovog novog albuma NAPOKON!
2. Calvin Harris & Disciples - How Deep Is Your Love, definitely the most played song of October. And I've watched this video for a thousand times probably, because I'm in love with Gigi. This song has the power to make me move and smile every time I hear it, even in the middle of crying, enough to say. // Definitivno jedna od pesama koju sam najviše puta slušala ovog okrobra. A i video sam pogledala hiljadu puta jer sam zaljubljena u Gigi. Ova pesma ima moć da me pokrene i nasmeje svaki put kad je čujem, čak i kad sam u sred plakanja. Dovoljno je reći.
3. The Weeknd - Can't Feel My Face I probably bored every single one of my friends this month with how much I love The Weeknd, this song is the one that was in my head the most. // Verovatno sam ugušila sve moje prijatelje ovog meseca ponavljanjem koliko volim Weeknd. Od svih njihovih ova mi je najviše bila u glavi.
4. Sebastian Ingrosso, Tommy Trash, John Martin - Reload it's hard for me to wake up early in the morning, especially when it's cold and rainy weather. This one helped a lot with it. // Jako mi teško pada budjenje rano, pogotovo kad je napolju hladno i pada kiša. Sa tim mi je dosta pomogla ova pesma.
5. Maroon 5 - This Summer's Gonna Hurt Like A Motherfucker it's enough to say that I love Adam Levine and his voice, I love the lyrics and the beat of this song so it's perfect even if the summer is so far away. // Dovoljno je reći koliko volim Adama i njegov glas, volim tekst i bit ove pesme i savršena je iako leto nije ni blizu.
6. Azealia Banks ft. Lazy J -212 well this song I didn't listen to the most because I wanted to but because it's my alarm song. I'm starting to hate it, you all know what I'm talking about. // Ova pesma nije na listi zato što sam uživala slušajući je ovog meseca, zapravo je pesma na mom alarmu. I počinjem polako da je mrzim. Znate svi o čemu pričam.
7. Naughty Boy - Runnin' (Lose It All) ft. Beyonce, Arrow Benjamin Beyonce and Naughty Boy? Give it to me more! // Beyonce i Naughty Boy? Dajte još.
8. R. City - Locked Away ft. Adam Levine again, Adam Levine. // Opet, Adam Levine.
9. Selena Gomez - Same Old Love I just love her new style! The last 3 songs of hers are bombs! // Obožavam njen novi stil i poslednje tri pesme su joj bombe!
10. Adele - Hello after 4 years she came in and blown everyone away. // Posle 4 godine se vratila i oduvala sve.

I love doing personal posts, not only about makeup and that stuff, so if you're interested in something about me, feel free to ask. :)
Volim da pišem ovako lične postove, ne samo o šminkanju i tako tome. Ako nekoga zanima išta o čemu bih mogla da pišem, javite mi. :)
Love, Dunja xx

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