
Go to nail trio


    Today I finally decided to talk about this AMAZING nail polish that saved my nails, and the Golden Rose duo which was together about 2$ and in my opinion it's underrated.
First, about this HOLY GRAIL thingy of mine. It is by the brand Eveline and it is their 8 in 1 total action nail lacquer. Before him, I had really thin and weak nails, I could never wear them long if I wanted to because they were always breaking. But now, I don't really know what it is in this thing but it is a miracle. I have never had my nails this long and they are stronger then ever! (Actually today I shortened them a little so they were even longer) I used to put one layer of it one day, and the second layer the next day. The third day you take it off and put one layer, the second day the second layer and you go like that for about a week. After that, you just use it under your colored nail lacquers in two layers. And voila! You have strong and ling nails. Please try it if you have this kind of problem, I promise you it works!
I like to wear bright colors in summer, but my favorite color is deffinitely black for my nails (and everything else hehe). This one is actually in shade 134 which is not black but it is a very dark purple so it looks like black. The brush is big and really easy to use. And girls, this is how it looks with just one layer. Hello?! It is only 1$ and it is this good?! I don't know why would I ever give more than 1$ for a nail lacquer after this. Golden Rose, really good work!
The last step makes this color look just perfect for me. As my lips, I like my nails matte more. There are some pros and cons about exactly this mattifying nail lacquer, but to short the story, the brush is great as the effect of it, but after two days your nails get shinny again. The black nail polish though stays for more then a week if you want to.

    Danas sam napokon odlučila da pričam o ovom neverovatnom laku koji mi je spasio nokte i o Golden Rose paru koji je bio zajedno oko 300 dinara i koji je po mom mišljenju podcenjen.
Prvo, o ovom mom čudu. Brend je Eveline, a lak je njihov 8 u 1 total action. Pre njega, imala sam jako slabe i tanke nokte koje nikad nisam uspevala da pustim jer bi se listali i pucali jako brzo. Ali sad, ne znam šta to u njemu ima ali bukvalno je magija. Nikada mi nokti nisu bili ovoliko dugi i jači su nego ikada. (Zapravo danas sam ih malo skratila, što znači da su bili još duži) U početku se stavlja jedan dan jedan sloj, drugi dan drugi, pa se trećeg dana skida i ponovo stavlja jedan sloj, pa sledećeg drugi i tako u krug oko nedelju dana. Posle toga, maže se u dva sloja ispod bilo kod drugog laka i voila! Imate duge i jake nokte. Ako imate problem kao i ja probajte, obećavam da funkcioniše.
Veselije boje volim leti, ali omiljena boja na noktima mi je definitivno crna. Ovaj je zapravo u nijansi 134 što je neka tamno ljubičasta boja, ali ispadne crna. Četkica je velika i jako lako se koristi. I devojke, ovako izgleda samo jedan sloj.. košta oko 150 dinara i toliko je dobar?! Ne vidim razlog da ikad više dam više od toga za lak. Golden Rose, svaka čast!
Poslednji korak čini da ova boja meni bude savršena. Kao i usne, više volim mat nokte. Ovaj matirajući lak  ima i prednosti i mana, ali da skratim, četkica je odlična kao i efekat, medjutim posle par dana se postepeno vraća sjaj noktima. Crni lak doduše ostaje na noktima i više od nedelju dana ako želite.

Love love love, D

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