The last post of 2015
If you expected a post about makeup, this is not it, I just felt the need to sit and write. I feel like this is the place where I have the freedom to express myself.
I can't decide if this year went fast or slow but I just know that I'm glad it's over. There were some very good and some very bad things that happened, good I will remember, bad I hope not. So I only want to talk about good ones.
I finished my first year of architecture, it was tough and I'm proud of myself if I'm allowed to say that. I had an amazing time at Exit in July where I spent some quality time with two of my best friends and listened to some amazing music. Then I went to Greece with my boyfriend and another very good friend of mine with her boyfriend, it was so nice. I miss the waves and the stars so much.
My birthday this year was very important, I don't know if everyone will get it but I haven't touched my phone that day (night actually). The truth is that I spend too much time browsing social media looking for something, wishing for something, life I want to live? But that night I had everything that I needed. And when I blew my candles I wished that everything just stays like that.
And finally, 2015 was the year that I went out of my comfort zone and started this blog. Honestly, there were some people that I expected more support from, but I can't complain because there is good number of people that do support me, and it actually opened my eyes a lot. I never expected to succeed right in the beginning, I just started with a goal to do my best and always give my honest opinion. And enjoy it because the only reason I'm doing this is because I love doing it.
In 2015 I also got two new tattoos, big ones this time, and they mean so much to me.
For New Years Eve I'm staying at home with my loved one because that's what I want, to welcome it in family love, piece and laughter. I just need to love and feel loved.
This year made me weaker because of the people, things, nerves and health I lost in it, but it also made me stronger because I learned what is really important in life.
So if you got to here, and if you ever read my posts, thank you so much for that, it really means a lot to me. Really happy New Year's and lot of love and laughter in it!
Ako ste očekivali post o šminki, ovo nije to, samo sam želela da sednem i ispričam se (možda i sama sa sobom), jer ovde imam slobodu. Ne mogu da se odlučim da li je ova godina prošla brzo ili sporo, ali znam da mi je drago što se završila. Bilo je i mnogo dobrog i mnogo lošeg, dobro ću pamtiti, a loše nadam se zaboraviti. Priča mi se jedino o onim dobrim.
Završila sam prvu godinu arhitekture, bilo je teško i ponosna sam na sebe, ako smem to da kažem. Predobro sam se provela u julu na Exit-u gde sam provela malo više vremena sa dve od mojih najboljih drugarica i slušala sjajnu muziku. Onda sam išla na more sa dečkom i još jednom jako dobrom drugaricom i bilo je pre div no. Nedostaju mi talasi i zvezde mnogo.
Moj rodjendan ove godine mi je jako značajan jer, ne znam da li će iko razumeti ali, nisam uzela telefon u ruke ceo dan (tj noć). Istina je da provodim previše vremena na društvenim mrežama tražeći nešto, želeći nešto, život kakav želim? Ali te noći sam imala sve što mi treba. I kada sam oduvala svećice, poželela sam samo da sve ostane baš tako.
I napokon, 2015. je godina kada sam se oslobodila i počela ovaj blog. Iskreno, od nekih ljudi sam očekivala više podrške, ali ne mogu da se žalim jer postoji dovoljno osoba koje me podržavaju i zapravo sam mnogo toga shvatila. Nikada nisam ni očekivala ni mislila da ću uspeti odmah na početku, samo sam počela sa ciljem da dam najbolje što imam i uvek budem iskrena. I uživam u njemu jer je jedini razlog mog bavljenja svime ovim zato što to volim.
U 2015. sam se takodje tetovirala još 2 puta, ovoga puta veliko i znače mi mnogo.
2016.-u ću čekati u toplini doma sa onima koje volim jer je to ono što želim, da joj pružim dobrodošlicu u ljubavi, miru i smehu. Jedino što želim je da volim i da se osećam voljeno. Ova godina me je očinila slabijom zbog ljudi, stvari, nerava i zdravlja koje sam izgubila, ali me je takodje ojačala jer sam naučila šta je stvarno važno u životu. Akoste izdržali do ovde sa čitanjem, i ako ikada i čitate šta ja pišem, hvala beskrajno, mnoo mi znači. Veoma srećna Nova Godina i mnogo ljubavi i smeha u njoj!
Love you all so much, D
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