
Spring rolls with Nutella and apple


   I rarely cook or bake, but when I do I enjoy it. The first thing that I baked in 2016 were these lovely spring rolls with Nutella. And I thought, why wouldn't I share them with you as if they turned out very tasty. When I bake or cook, I always improvise with the ingredients that I have using the original recipe as an inspiration. So for those, the inspiration was in my Nutella book, but they used mango and almonds with Nutella, so with the recurses I had I decided to add apples instead of mango, and maybe not put almonds this time. You can add any fruit you like. 
So for 10 rolls you will need:
about 5 pie crusts - depends on how big you want your rolls to be
100g of Nutella
1 apple
a little bit of butter - to smear the rolls with it before the oven
First you will need to peel the apple and cut it in little square pieces. Then you turn the oven on 200˙C so it gets hot enough for when the rolls are ready. You then take one crisp, place it somewhere clean and flat and cut it in 4 equal rectangles. In every rectangle you put about a teaspoon of Nutella and a dozen of apple pieces. Then you roll it half way, bend the left and the right edge to the inside so that the ingredients don't fall out, and keep rolling. You smear it with butter on top and put it on an oven trey with baking paper on it. You repeat that for another 9 rolls and then you put it all in the oven and after 10 to 15 minutes, voila! My boy said that they are better when cold, so you can eat them even the day after, but I love them both ways.

   Istina je da retko kuvam ili pečem, ne računamo sendviče i jaja, ali kad kuvam onda uživam u tome. Prvo što sam ispekla u ovoj novoj godini su bile ove preukusne prolećne rolnice sa Nutelom. Pa sam mislila, što da ih ne podelim sa još nekim. Kad pravim ovakve stvari najčešće eksperimentišem sa sastojcima koristeći originalni recept kao inspiraciju. Za ove rolnice, inspiraciju sam našla u svojoj Nutella knjizi, ali umesto manga i badema koji su deo recepta u knjizi, u kući sam pronašla jabuke i ispostavilo se da je kombinacija savršena. Verujem da bi i banana odlično išla.
Za 10 ovakvih rolnica potrebno je:
oko 5 kora za pite - zavisi od toga koliko rolnica i koje veličine ih želite
100g Nutele
1 jabuka
malo putera - za premazivanje rolnica pre redjanja u pleh
Prvo oljuštite jabuku i iseckate je na kockice, pa uključite rernu na 200˙C da bi se zagrejala dok vi uvijete rolnice. Uzmete jednu (ili dve) koru, stavite je na glatku i čistu površinu i isečete je na 4 jednaka pravougaonika. U svaki prvaougaonik stavite po dužini uže ivice kašičicu Nutele, pa onda pospite kockicama jabuke. Uvijajte do pola parčeta kore, onda savijte slobodne ivice ka unutra i uvijte do kraja. Premažite maslacem i redjajte na papir za pečenje. 10 do 15 minuta u rerni i voila! Mogu se jesti i tople i hladne, tako da vam je ostalo samo da uživate.

If anyone, maybe, decided to make them, please let me now on instagram-mail or facebook, wherever, that would mean a lot to me!
Ako je iko pravio ovo po mom receptu, molim vas šaljite mi slike da vidim, na instagram, facebook, bilo gde, mnogo bi mi značilo to!

Love, D

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