GRWM: fast, easy & minimal look
This is my go to look for when I don't have much time to do my makeup, and when I'm just running some errands out and I don't want to go bare face. (Count Uni in that.)
I know this looks like a lot of products, but some of them are just quick steps that I must do for the behalf of my skin. The most important thing that I've learned since I started studying about makeup is that you need to moisturize and prime your face. Maybe it sounds crazy and unnecessary but you should make a wall (figuratively) between your foundation and your face so it doesn't affect your skin, and the foundation will last longer. That's for the primer, and for the moisturizer I think you know why. And it doesn't matter if your skin is oily, you still need to do this step. For special occasions I use my Porefessional as a primer (it was in my November favorites), but this Baby Skin from Maybelline is a really good drugstore primer and just enough for regular days. The moisturizer that I use is the Nivea Day Care one. Put on some lipbalm on those lips too!
I find L'Oreal foundations as the best drugstore foundations (because of True Match) so I decided to give the Lumi Magique a go and it is just as amazing.
I already talked a lot about my eyebrow routine which hasn't changed.
For the concealer and as a highlight I use MAC Pro Longwear Concealer and I set it with the Rimmel Stay Matte pressed powder in Transparent. This time of the year I like my skin glowy so I only set the concealer.
With this we did pretty much the whole job, you just add a little bit of your favorite bronzer to warm up the face a bit. I haven't found my favorite still but I use the She Bronzer that I own. I use it around my face and a lil on my eyes in the crease to deepen them up.
Add your favorite mascara and you are good to go!
If you want me to do more interesting looks, let me know, I would love that.
Ovako se u većini slučajeva šminkam kada imam malo vremena i kada izlazim iz kuće radi nekih glupih obaveza, a ne želim da izadjem bez šminke. (Računaćemo faks u to.)
Možda ovo izgleda kao mnogo proizvoda, ali neki su samo brzi koraci koje moram da uradim zbog svoje kože. Najbitnije što sam naučila od kada se malo više bavim šminkanjem jeste da je moram hidrirati i stavljati primer pre pudera. Možda zvuči ludo i nepotrebno, ali verujte mi, potrebno je napraviti zid (figurativno) izmedju vaše kože i pudera i ne dozvoliti puderu da utiče direktno na vašu kožu, zbog toga će vam takodje puder duže stajati. To otprilike radi prajmer, a mislim da znate zašto je neophodno hidrirati kožu. Čak i ako vam je koža masna, to ne znači da je ne treba hidrirati, naprotiv. U specijalnim prilikama kao prajmer koristim Porefessional (o kom sam pričala u novembarskim favoritima), ali Maybelline Baby Skin je sasvim dovoljan za svaki dan. Hidratantna krema koju koristim je Nivea Moisturizing Day Care. Ne zaboravite malo kreme i na usnama!
Moje mišljenje je da su L'Oreal puderi najbolji drugstore puderi, pa sam odlučila da probam i Lumi Magique i nisam se razočarala.
O obrvama sam pričala već više puta, ništa se još uvek nije promenilo.
Kao korektor i hajlajter koristim MAC Pro Longwear Concealer i setujem ga Rimmel-ovim Stay Matte puderom u kamenu. U poslednje vreme mi se svidja kada puder nije mat, pa setujem samo korektor.
S ovim ste obavili većinu posla, ostalo je još da omiljenim bronzerom malo 'ugrejete' lice. Nemam omiljeni još uvek, ali pri ruci mi je She već neko vreme. Stavim ga na uobičajena mesta, po obodu lica, ali i u pregibe očiju umesto senke, jer moramo biti brzi zar ne.
Dodam omiljenu maskaru i to je to.
Ako se nekome svidelo i želi da pričam o još različitih izgleda, javite mi, volela bih to baš.
Love, D
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