
IF I MUST PICK ONE: December edition


   Hey, it's me again with new monthly favorites. December has passed so quickly that I feel like I didn't even have time to appreciate it. I still loved the same things that I loved in November, but I also have some new and amazing to share.
First of all, dreams can come true, I finally got an iPhone! I could actually talk about it for hours and hours but I will just say that it really is that good as they say it is. I'm in love with it and I don't think that I will ever come back to androids.
The thing that was new in my makeup routine in December was the Meybelline Lash Sensational mascara, which at first I was disappointed with, but then I realized that I'm just using it totally wrong. Now I absolutely love it!
As in every month, I loved reading the Elle magazine, but this month I especially loved the cover and the fact that they are doing the audition for interns. I'm still hoping for the best.
This cropped jumper I wore the most, it's so cosy and warm and it is not black (which is a step forward for me) but it is still dark which is just how I like it. It goes amazing with boyfriend of high waisted jeans, also with high waisted and tight skirts. Btw I got in on sale in h&m so it is out of stock but you can find similar here.
I let myself it more sweets this month. I got this cookies from my grandma and they are so good! I loved them so much that I added them to the presents for my family. I'm on my third jar (shhh) and I don't think I will stop.
Favorite song? Always so hard to pick, but this month it was Robin Schulz - Sun goes down because I love the song and I found out that he's coming to Exit in July!!
During December, most of the youtubers that I'm following regularly did the Vlogmas. It is so hard to decide because I loved all of them, but this month Lily Pebbles left the biggest mark on me. I liked her before, but during this everyday vlogging we got to know here more, and she's an amazing girl.
I think that was enough for this month, and this year, so goodbye 2015 and a big welcome to 2016 and all of the new adventures that it brings. Fingers crossed it will be good!

   Zdravo, opet ja sa svojim mesečnim miljenicima. Decembar je prošao toliko brzo da se osećam kao da nisam dovoljno uživala u njemu. Volela sam sve što sam volela u novembru, ali ima par novih i divnih stvari koje želim da podelim sa vama.
Kao prvo, snovi se ponekad ostvaruju, napokon imam iPhone! Mogla bih o njemu satima i satima, ali samo ću reći da je dobar koliko kažu da jeste. Zaljubljena sam u njega i verujem da se više neću vraćati androidima.
Ono što je novo u mojim svakodnevnim rutinama šminkanja jeste Maybelline Lash Sensational maskara koja me je zapravo prvim korišćenjem razočarala, ali sam onda shvatila da je problem u meni i da je nisam koristila kako treba. Od tad je obožavam!
Kao i svakog meseca, volela sam Elle časopis, ali ovog posebno zbog naslovnice i činjenice da su objavili audiciju za Elle stažiste. Još uvek se nadam najboljem.
Ovaj teget džemper sam sigurno najviše nosila, zato što je topao i udoban, a i zato što je taman (ali ne i crn, što je za mene pomak). Savršeno ide uz boyfriend ili duboke farmerke, kao i uz duboke i uske suknje. Btw kupila sam ga na rasprodaji u h&m-u tako da ga više nema, ali ovaj je sličan. 
Dopustila sam sebi previše slatkiša ovog meseca, od svih su mi se najviše svideli ovi čajni keksići. Dobila sam ih od bake koja mi je rekla da ih je pronašla u Maxi-u u šta sam se i ja kasnije uverila kad sam ih kupila svima za Novu Godinu. Na trećoj sam kutiji i ne deluje mi kao da ću se zaustaviti..
Najslušanija pesma je definitivno bila Robin Schuiz - Sun goes down jer sam saznala da dolazi na Exit u julu!!
Tokom decembra, većina youtube-erki koje pratim postavlja svakodnevno, tzv. Vlogmass. To mi odluku još više otežava jer ih sve obožavam, ali mislim da se za nijansu izdvojila Lily Pebbles. Volela sam je i pre ali nakon ovog meseca svakodnevnih vlogova sam je mnogo bolje upoznala kao osobu i mnogo više zavolela.
Mislim da je ovo bilo dovoljno za ovaj mesec, a i godinu, tako da zbogom 2015. i dobrodošla 2016. sa svim avanturama koje donosiš. Nadam se da ćeš biti dobra.

Love, D

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